How to Say Thank You in a Personal, Memorable, Trackable Way

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May 2, 2013

Nine times out of ten, a donor receives a letter that starts with, “Thank you for your generous donation.” Because giving is an emotional response, it deserves an emotional thank you with more pep and personality than a typical, status quo thank you. Read Shannon Doolittle’s 22 Delightful Ways to Say Thank You.

Here’s a sample of humorous ways Shannon suggests saying thank you so you can delight, not bore your donors.

  • You = awesome. Me = grateful.
  • Move over Gates and Buffett, there’s a new philanthropist in town.
  • Our clients have started an unofficial fan club. You should start practicing your autograph.

And according to an article in Forbes, Don’t Thank Your Donor with a Gift, a great thank you is far superior to giving donors gifts, which can be counterproductive.

Foreshadow Good Things to Come Thanks to Their Donation

Beyond saying a great thank you, help connect the dots for your donors by telling them what’s happening. Something like, “Your donation pushes us to 90% of goal. Soon we can give all local children the nutrition they need on a daily basis”

A nonprofit named Charity:Water did an excellent follow-up video of a 9-year old girl’s donation of $240 that spurred $1.2 million more in donations following her tragic death in a car collision. Watch Charity: Water’s video about the little girl who could, Rachel Beckwith.

People who give to Donors Choose are greeted with an evolving thank-you screen on the home page where kids thank them for each specific gift – be it a computer or projector. They even mail hand written letters from the kids that benefited from the donation to the giver in order to say thank you in a very personal way.

Good cause marketing is all about great ongoing storytelling packed with emotional triumphs and challenges everyone can share in.

Timing, Format, and Other Loose Ends of Donor Thank Yous

When money comes in, a thank you letter or email needs to go out within 48 hours – the industry standard for courtesy, appreciation, and the chance to encourage more giving in the future from this donor.

The alleged bible for writing donor letters is Donor Centered Fundraising by Penelope Burk. In it, you’ll find many samples and formats to try and tweak within your organization.

Finally consider picking up the phone and calling to say thank you. Penelope Burk says her research shows that 90% of donors never receive a phone call from their favorite charities unless they’re asking for money. What an opportunity to turn that around to building a stronger relationship.

Are you inspired to polish your fundraising now?

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