Mailboxes Don’t Have Spam Filters

Or Delete Buttons

Ok, so you know the statistics.   You know that on average, the email marketing open rate is 22-23%. The click rate is less than 5 %. If your business is using this as your primary marketing tool, you may believe that even if they don’t open your email, you are keeping the lines of communication open.

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Learn how to execute a winning strategy with Direct Mail

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My E-mail is Going Where?

You’re confident that since your email didn’t bounce, and your recipient hasn’t unsubscribed that you are still relevant in their world. If you keep sending and keep reaching out, eventually you might convince the silent 77-78% to open an email. Then, eventually make a click or two, heck; someday they may even become a loyal customer! You have now become the mousy AV Club guy in high school who thinks that if he walks past the cheerleaders locker often enough, she will dump the quarterback – congratulations, you are the ultimate utopian.

Reality Check

Your marketing email may not bounce; you may not get a spam notification. Your contact may not even unsubscribe. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t going directly into a Promotions Tab or even a junk folder. So, now you’re probably wondering, where are my missing 77-78% ending up? Let’s just say this, it is much quicker to hit delete than follow thru an unsubscribe protocol. Hit delete often enough, the email client knows your message isn’t important. Welcome to the junk folder.

So Now What

Email marketing is not without its upsides. It’s affordable. It’s fairly traceable. It doesn’t take a great deal of time to do an ‘OK’ job at it. Doing it well, however, is a bit more time consuming and involves a strong team of people knowing how to guide you. Use it but don’t expect it to create miracles.

Guess What Doesn’t Have a Delete Button?

Yep, good old-fashioned mailboxes. Real brick and mortar (ok, maybe steel and wood) mailboxes. If you want to make sure you’re brand is visible, direct mail is the ticket. The mailman doesn’t have a spam filter. As long as your data is solid, your mail piece is guaranteed to end up in the hands of your contact. More, than likely, they will be less rushed and more open minded when getting their mail than checking their inbox. AND, you are more likely to get their attention simply because there is less clutter in the mailbox than in their inbox.

All Your Eggs

Email isn’t dead. Direct mail isn’t dead. Keep your marketing campaign alive and increase your ROI by dividing and conquering. Using a multi-channel approach is the only way to go in a world of digital overload and instant gratification.

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8300 NE Underground Drive
Pillar 122
Kansas City, Missouri 64161

(816) 459-8404

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