ComScore, a company that follows and measures the digital world, released a study that shows QR code®* users are skewed heavily to young, affluent men. ComScore’s research showed that in June 2011, more than 14 million U.S. mobile users scanned QR codes. Altogether,...
It still amazes me how much money marketing giants spend on flawed campaigns. This week I’m going to analyze three companies that ran a full page, full-color print ads with a strong call to actions that lead their prospects down “the road to Abilene”. The Abilene...
At 17 Johanna (the daughter of one of our team members) is receiving at least 17 pieces of mail a month. Colleges and universities have her number and want her signature on their enrollment papers. Postcards, letters, self-mailers, and view books are coming in from...
Thanks to three luxury brands, QR Codes® are officially vogue. Fendi, Ferrari and Ferragamo, are flaunting them in their multi-channel marketing, on their products and in their fashion museums. More importantly they’re doing so with style, finesse, and...
Many restaurants across America are asking diners to leave their phones on during their meals. These restaurants are using multi-channel campaigns to entertain you and even talk to you while you wait for your meal to be prepared. Applebee’s with its QR Code® enabled...