With the ease of acquiring marketing materials today even small businesses can look like a Fortune 1000 company. But simple design mistakes can make your business look amateur and waste valuable marketing dollars. Avoid making little mistakes, hire a professional...
Marketing Asset Management. Print Automation. Marketing Automation. Communications Portals. Distributed Marketing. Web-To-Print. Confused yet? Wouldn’t it be nice if everything fit in a nice, neat package that is easy to understand and explain? In the world of...
The 1980s Australian band, INXS (pronounced “in excess”) has yet to retire though critics plea that they reconsider. The band’s name summarizes the excesses of that period, which include plenty of waste in the marketing industry — mass mailings, print overruns,...
Paper or plastic? Both are possible with direct mail. First Class, standard class, or Fed-X? Again all three and more are possible with direct mail, which is scalable to your budget depending on the overall strategy and, of course, the budget. What’s my point?...
Create. Implement. Measure. Repeat… At NextPage, everyday we learn from and refine our marketing processes. Our primary goal is to help you make money. Your return on marketing investment has two sides, the cost side and the revenue side. Here are 10 ways to improve...