10 Ways to Get Your Direct Mail Read by Millennials

Look around the next time you’re in a coffee shop, airport, bookstore or public area and you’ll see Millennials (often…

12 years ago

IKEA’s Direct to Consumer Marketing to Grow Customer Base

IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer, is rolling out an “IKEA Family” loyalty program. Specifically designed to keep the steam turned…

12 years ago

Will Proposed Postal Cuts of Saturday Service Hurt Businesses?

Discontinuing Saturday delivery of first-class mail has been discussed as a means to cut postal service costs for years. Now…

12 years ago

Ring in the New Year by Conducting a Marketing Audit

Over lunch, my friend described the duress his associates were going through because of a switch from fixed-to-zero-based budgeting. In…

13 years ago

Powerful Data-Driven Charts for Mail and Email Marketing

Data rarely gets to be the star of the visual show. It takes people who are both creative and data-savvy to conceptualize…

14 years ago