variable data communications

How to Increase Direct Mail Responses with Variable Data Printing

Have you ever received a generic piece of mail that made you feel like one of the masses? It might…

6 years ago

Netherland’s Retailer Personalizes 98% of Outbound Email

I recently read a case study on one Holland retail giant with 84 million web visits a year from 1.5…

8 years ago

Why Marketing Artists and Marketing Scientists Need One Another

Mark McGuinness of Lateral Action guest posted a terrific blog at Copyblogger: Are You a Marketing Artist or Scientist? In it he…

12 years ago

Video: Advanced Variable Data Printing

Variable Data Printing, the process of personalizing print communications using database information, has progressed rapidly during the last ten years,…

14 years ago

Powerful Data-Driven Charts for Mail and Email Marketing

Data rarely gets to be the star of the visual show. It takes people who are both creative and data-savvy to conceptualize…

14 years ago