Variable Data Printing

How to Increase Direct Mail Responses with Variable Data Printing

Have you ever received a generic piece of mail that made you feel like one of the masses? It might…

6 years ago

Why Marketing Artists and Marketing Scientists Need One Another

Mark McGuinness of Lateral Action guest posted a terrific blog at Copyblogger: Are You a Marketing Artist or Scientist? In it he…

12 years ago

NextPage Awarded for Consistently Achieving Measurable Results

Like dedicated Olympians, we trained, we performed, and we took home two Gold and one Silver award this March in…

13 years ago

Video: Advanced Variable Data Printing

Variable Data Printing, the process of personalizing print communications using database information, has progressed rapidly during the last ten years,…

14 years ago

Powerful Data-Driven Charts for Mail and Email Marketing

Data rarely gets to be the star of the visual show. It takes people who are both creative and data-savvy to conceptualize…

14 years ago