7 Memorable Applications of QR Codes on Business Cards

7 Memorable Applications of QR Codes on Business Cards

Regardless of how you feel about QR Codes® you have to admit when you get handed a business card similar to one of the 10 examples below, you think one or all of the things below: This person is on top of technology. This person is harnessing all the tools to start...
How to Serve Up QR Codes That Don’t Disappoint

How to Serve Up QR Codes That Don’t Disappoint

A QR Code® can either be the cherry or the sour grape on the top of your marketing sundae.  When it comes to prospects interacting with your marketing materials, newsletter, or advertisement, they’re either going to swallow and smile or spit it out. By including a QR...
Alo Uses QR Code Like a Cracker Jack’s Surprise

Alo Uses QR Code Like a Cracker Jack’s Surprise

Remember how fun it was as a kid to dig into a box of Cracker Jacks® caramel popcorn and get that treasured prize inside the box? Well history repeats itself with Alo’s Free Music in Every Bottle campaign. Alo, makers of an aloe vera health drink, have a marketing...
QR Codes that Lead Prospects Down the Road to Abilene

QR Codes that Lead Prospects Down the Road to Abilene

It still amazes me how much money marketing giants spend on flawed campaigns. This week I’m going to analyze three companies that ran a full page, full-color print ads with a strong call to actions that lead their prospects down “the road to Abilene”. The Abilene...