Many businesses need to reach their customers or prospects in a defined geographic area. At NextPage, we utilize our experience and technology to take direct mail beyond zip code or carrier route boundaries.

Whether you are a bank, restaurant, healthcare facility or any other type of business where location and convenience are important, we know how to accurately reach your audience with geo-target marketing. While your overall brand message may be the same, your individual trade areas can vary dramatically. Let us help you create more customized and specific direct mail geotargeting that can help you localize your direct mail.


Information Security is a top priority at NextPage

Information Security is a top priority at NextPage Information security is a hot topic of conversation in today’s world. The rise of technology and value of consumer data can lead to some interesting questions about consumer privacy and security. Here at NextPage,...

Are You Learning the Right Things from Your Data?

In this digital age, marketers have more data to work with than ever before. But actually deriving meaningful insights from that data and converting those insights into action is easier said than done. Often, the problem is that, with so much data at their...

customer journey

5 Ways to Personalize the Customer Journey

Let’s face it—today’s consumers are in the driver’s seat. They choose the brands and experiences. That’s why more brands are getting personal today. By creating human-centered experiences, and making them work, you can drive your consumers from their...

Why Your POS System is Crucial to Your Marketing Plan

Technology is constantly evolving and moving forward, leaving in its wake a trail of antiquated and useless equipment. It's been a long time since cash registers ruled the retail and restaurant world. There is a new retail king firmly in control now, and the reign...


How to Create an Effective Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

Nowadays, consumers have a myriad of options for every product and service they wish to purchase. Hence, marketers have to rise to the challenge of making their brand stand out from the pack. One effective way to do this is through creating personalized messages...

6 Ways A Marketing Portal Can Help Your Business

Marketing Portals, Marketing Storefronts, or Marketing Communication Portals offer a marketing asset management solution that can serve a wide range of industries, including retail stores, dealer networks, distributed sales forces, and franchise systems. Sales...

Connect Magazinee

How High Value Direct Mail Can Increase Response Rates

NextPage publishes a magazine called Connect, mailed to over 4,000 individual marketing leaders 6 times a year. In a recent issue, we wanted to do something special, something that really showcases how creative you can get with high value, personalized direct...


6 Tips For Big Data Harmony Within Your Organization

Many companies are figuring out that to gain a competitive advantage these days, harnessing the Big Data they have accumulated and making it accessible to the right people with the right strategy is key. “In the future, the real value of an organization will not...


Three Attributes of Direct Mail Data You Have to Get Right

There are a lot of theories about what makes a direct mail piece stand out from the crowd - the copy, the offer, the images, the bold colors or the texture of the paper. Each argument has its merits. The one thing marketers can agree on, however, is what will make...


Contact us today to get connected to a sales representative specializing in your industry.

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Contact Info

8300 NE Underground Drive
Pillar 122
Kansas City, Missouri 64161

(816) 459-8404