Statistical Pictures Make for Engaging Variable Data Charts and Graphs
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May 17, 2011

Although my made-up term of “statistical pictures” may seem like an oxymoron, by using infographics you can do just that… turn data and statistics into images.  For many people, numbers are scary.  A bunch of figures together, even more frightening.  And don’t even think about putting a bunch of numbers together and expecting the reader to interpret what they mean.  That’s super creepy.

For those businesses that need to use facts, figures, and data to prove their value to their prospective audiences, the use of infographics can be very impactful on sales.  There is nothing like an intriguing picture to suck in the reader and get them to learn more.

Here’s a quick example to illustrate () statistical pictures using stats from the CMO Council:

video-marketing-chart-150x137Almost a third (30 percent) of marketers predict that video advertising will be their single biggest investment for 2011.
social-media-spending-chart-e1305640853350In 2011, 10.8 percent of all U.S. online ad spending will go to social networks. Next year, this is expected to rise to 12.1 percent.
social-media-spendingOnly 7 percent of social media marketers think social media is producing ROI and, as a result, are willing to budget liberally. While 49 percent believe it is a promising tactic that will eventually produce ROI, 44 percent are much more skeptical and unwilling to invest more.

Using Personalized Charts and Graphs in Your Marketing

For people who are visual learners, you just can’t beat a well-done chart, graph or illustration to get them to engage with a piece of marketing collateral.  Want to personalize your infographics? You can create customized statistical pictures by combining print automation and variable data printing to deliver personalized infographics.

If you have successfully used infographics to improve your marketing, please share your story with us by using the Comments section.

Source for Statistics: CMO Council
Graphics:NextPage, Copyright 2011,

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