3 Email Marketing Tips for 3 Levels of Experience

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January 24, 2012

As the New Year begins, it’s important to review your marketing tactics to get a clearer picture of what worked and what didn’t. Technology is constantly evolving, and it’s wise to keep up with new trends.







That said, if email marketing is a part of your marketing plan, are you utilizing it the best way possible to ensure the best results?

What are we talking about, in particular? Well, let’s start with the basics:

  • You don’t necessarily want to just add anyone to your mailing list. What you send them should be relevant and you should have a real relationship with the individual.  If possible get permission.
  • Don’t be spam … or look like it. Show clear intent in the subject line and write the email to match. Identify yourself in the from line and provide a physical address. Make sure you have a prominent opt-out feature and stagger your sends in smaller batches to avoid looking like a spammer.
  • Try personalizing your message. Put their name at the top. Let them know you know who they are and this isn’t a random message. You think you know what they want and have the means to give it to them.

Next steps are a little more intermediate. But we’re sure you can keep up! (And if not, you know who to call!)

  • Alwaystest your email before it goes out! See how it looks in different email clients … with pictures and with pictures blocked … in text and in HTML. You’d be surprised the massive effects these things can have on your message.  Think about it like this – you would never send a direct mail piece without doing a LOT of proof reading.  Be sure to do the same with your email.
  • Track, track and track some more. Watch your click-through rate, conversion rate and delivery rate. Make sure people are getting your message, wanting to open your email, and clicking through.
  • Try different options based upon your tracking rates. Send your email with a different subject line or offer. Send it on a different day and/or a different time of day. Find what works.

And for those a little more advanced (or who are savvy enough to find folks who can help!), these tips are for you:

  • Separate your list into different segments based upon demographics and/or shopping habits and history. Tailor your message and/or offer to match that audience and get even better results!
  • Keep your mailing list clean. Remove hard bounces (those addresses that don’t work), NEVER send to those who have opted out, and trim those contacts who never view your message or click on anything.
  • Watch your feedback loop. If someone clicks “this is spam,” you have to stop sending emails to that address. Make sure you subscribe to ISP feedback loops and monitor it on a regular basis.

Email marketing doesn’t have to be intimidating, but it can be time consuming. Do it poorly, and you’re not only missing out on key customers but your time isn’t being well spent. Do it properly, and gain a great reputation, expand your brand awareness, and boost those sales and conversions!

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