Don’t Let Cold Calls Make You Shiver

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December 24, 2013

It seems like every time I open my e-mail box these days there’s a webinar, a white paper, an Info graphic, a You-name-it, about content marketing. It is quite the buzzword right now and without question, an important part of a strong marketing mix in 2014. It just seems to me that, in our rush to create content, publish and wait for the leads to roll in, we may be overlooking some old-school marketing methods that can help your business grow too. So let’s talk about a couple of things you can do today:

Cold-calls. OK who just had a chill run up their spine? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Cold calls are a low percentage activity but not something that you should abandon forever. I have gotten a number of responses from cold prospects with a call (usually to voice mail) immediately followed by an e-mail with a “just missed you on the phone, here’s why I was calling” message. In my tracking I have found the combination of the two works better than either one does on its own.

The key to better success with cold calling and cold e-mailing is to do some research on the front end. If you take some time to identify your target prospects and limit your calls to companies that fit your ideal customer profile, you are more likely to increase your odds of success.

Once you reach your target, don’t try to sell right away. It’s likely they’ve never heard of you or your company and they aren’t ready to buy. Offer to send them a case study or a white paper that is highly relevant to their industry or business needs. Use that opportunity to begin the conversation. Remember, prospects don’t want to be “sold to”; they want to find answers to their business issues. Help them realize they have a need and you just might be an expert worth listening to.

Outbound marketing can be much more immediate than Inbound so find the marketing balance that works best for your company. And don’t forget to pick up that phone!

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