For those not familiar with inbound marketing, basically you are creating digital content, such as blogs, ebooks and social media, that speaks specifically to the audience or “personas” that you want to reach. This content answers questions, or provides solutions to problems via query results from a search engine. By giving solutions, these interested parties are delivered to your website after clicking on the content link. They continue to be nurtured on your site into a sales qualified lead by downloading offers of more valuable content in exchange for their contact information. This sounds simple, but for inbound marketing to work well, there are many defined tasks, such as content creation, social media posts and data analysis, that will need to be done on a consistent basis in order for this “lead generation machine” to run properly. If inbound marketing is a new concept to you, you may be thinking this is a lot of work without knowing the return. Here’s five ways the benefits of inbound outweigh these concerns:
- Generates More Traffic and Leads
Because of the analytical aspects of inbound, you can generate reports telling you exactly how much traffic you achieve, and how many leads are generated from this traffic. In addition, the better SEO optimized content you create, the more traffic and leads you will get. It’s that simple. According to Kapost, inbound marketing yields 3 times more leads per dollar than traditional methods, and according to HubSpot, on average, brands that publish 15 blog posts per month convert 1,200 new leads per month.
- Is Cost Effective
The cost per lead for a company using inbound marketing is much less than a similar company using strictly outbound methods. According to Eloqua, the average cost per lead created drops 80% after 5 months of consistent inbound marketing, and according to Groove Digital Marketing, After 12 months 75% of brands report ROI on their inbound programs and 44% report ROI after just 6 months.
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- Builds Brand Awareness
By consistently distributing valuable content, you are not only educating people on what you do, you also create a firm impression in the minds of your prospects as a trusted industry authority. As people like your content, they will share via social networks, and you will in turn rank higher in searches, thus dramatically increasing your visibility and cementing your reputation as a credible resource.
- Helps Sales and Marketing Work Together
Because content creation in inbound relies heavily on the needs of the prospects, the sales department will have a vested interest in how those needs are identified and presented by the marketing department. There is no longer a wall between attracting the client with marketing and delivering to sales. The process is seamless as the leads are nurtured through the inbound process, and then delivered to the sales CRM via marketing automation workflows.
- The Content You Create Never Goes Away
With outbound marketing, once the billboard comes down, or the TV ad campaign finishes, it’s out of sight, out of mind and you have to start all over with a new campaign. With an inbound campaign, you will continuously attract more traffic because the content created does not go away. There is also a cumulative effect because inbound content will grow exponentially and add value to previous and future content you create.
You an find these 5 reasons, plus more helpful information on inbound marketing in the NextPage free ebook, Introduction to Inbound Marketing.