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July 8, 2019

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The NextPage team continues to expand with the addition of Senior Account Executive, Gary Munroe. After finishing college, Gary began a career in customer service, first as a transfer agent for a large financial institution and then at a large insurance firm. In the mid 90’s, he transitioned into sales and into the printing industry.

Gary’s customer service experience continues to serve him and his clients well. “With my extensive customer service background, I have always focused on the client.  I enjoy meeting people, building solid relationships and love when I get called upon by a customer, not as a sales person but a trusted consultant to help solve a problem or help create some exciting new marketing piece that needs a bit of engineering.”

In his free time, you may find Gary on the lake, or traveling across the country on his motorcycle.

When asked about his new company, Gary said, “NextPage is the most forward thinking, innovative print and print-related company I have ever been in contact with.  This was a no brainer to make the move!”

We know Gary will be a great fit for our team and we’re elated to have him on board!

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8300 NE Underground Drive
Pillar 122
Kansas City, Missouri 64161

(816) 459-8404

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