Is a Higher Point Paper Thickness Considered Premium?
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January 15, 2024

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The paper stock that is chosen for printing marketing materials and/or magazines can have an impact on how they are received by the public. Paper thickness gives the printed item a professional look and helps it last longer. Paper weight thickness actually involves related but different paper measurements. Paper weight is calculated by the density of the fibers in the paper and is reported in pounds (lbs). Paper thickness is the width of a sheet of paper and is calculated in calipers. A higher point paper thickness is considered to be a premium choice for projects that require better quality textures and coatings along with greater print details.

Why Use Premium Paper Stock?

Premium paper stock elevates the consumer experience and here are additional reasons why it should be used:

Premium paper stock enhances both the tactile and visual experience of the item and creates a connection with the reader
A superior paper stock gives the printed item a feeling of luxury and makes the person feel like they are appreciated by your company
Premium paper stock will get the attention of the recipient and entice them to keep viewing the printed item on a regular basis which creates more impressions of your marketing message

Paper Stock, Thickness and Weight

The paper weight of a piece of paper is how heavy that paper is in pounds. The thickness of a piece of paper (paper thickness) can make an impact on the type of item that is printed on the paper as thicker paper is often best for items that need lasting durability or quality (as opposed to a standard stock of paper). In fact, paper stock refers to the type of paper used for a print project. Plus, taking us back to the start of this section, the paper stock is the weighting of the paper and a higher stock of paper is considered to be a better quality paper.

Paper Stock and Point Thickness for Premium Print

When you are choosing the correct paper stock for your project, remember that the paper weight thickness means the paper is usually heavier than other types of printing paper. In general, the weight of premium paper can range from eighty pounds to around one hundred and twenty pounds. In addition, the thickness of this premium paper can be anywhere from ten points to sixteen points and can include glossy paper, matte paper, and cotton paper.

Want to make sure your next project is printed on premium paper? Contact our experienced design team today.

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