Is a Marketing Asset Management System Right for My Company?

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July 13, 2011

Prompted by growing demands from CEO’s and CFO’s for greater accountability, marketers have begun to focus on improving the efficiency of marketing operations.  They now recognize that improving the productivity of marketing operations can be a powerful way to stretch marketing dollars.  The equation is simple.  The dollars saved by improving the efficiency of marketing operations can be redirected to campaigns and programs that generate increased revenues.

One area of marketing operations that offers huge opportunities for improvement involves the procurement, production, storage, and distribution of marketing collateral documents.  This part of marketing operations typically produces a significant amount of waste and is filled with processes that are highly manual and inefficient.

Reduce Cost By Streamlining Marketing Processes

To eliminate these wastes and inefficiencies, a growing number of companies are implementing marketing asset management (MAM) systems that automate the process of ordering, producing, and fulfilling requests for marketing assets and materials.  In the right circumstances, these systems produce substantial cost savings and streamline the processes that surround the production and handling of marketing communications.    This chart depicts the streamlined process using Marketing Asset Management:


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