Mail Print (now NextPage) earned five AMBIT awards at the Kansas City Direct Marketing Association dinner March 2013 because we know how to generate financially imperative results.
We are proud to be a fifth-year, multiple award recipient for generating measurable, quantifiable results consistently.
Mail Print earned four AMBITS in 2012, four in 2011, three AMBITS in 2010, and four AMBITS in 2009. More importantly, we’ve generated millions and millions of dollars in revenues for our clients (and ourselves) over the past five years.
Multi-channel Marketing – Connect Magazine & Corporate Blog (2012 Silver AMBIT)
For its multi-channel marketing effort sharing invaluable content with its clients through a print magazine, digital newsletter and corporate blog, Mail Print received a silver AMBIT in the Business Integrated Marketing category. This effort by Mail Print attributed $1.3 million in new business and new opportunities for a return on investment of $41 for every $1 spent on the magazine.
Fundraising & Print Automation – Donor Receipt Program (2012 Silver AMBIT)
For its work helping Harvesters automate its donor receipt program, Mail Print received a silver AMBIT in the fundraising category.
In this campaign, Mail Print automated the donation acknowledgement of 72,000 donations a year and added additional fundraising solicitations into the program that as a result increased donations. The results were:
- 54% increase in second-time donations
- 11% response rate
- 1,597% return on investment
- $688,930 of additional donations
Special Event Planning – Direct Mail 3.0 Event (2012 Gold AMBIT)
Mail Print earned gold in the $2,000 and over event planning category. Mail Print’s 2012 open house and educational event, Direct Mail 3.0, demonstrated our newest technologies and value-added services upon the addition of the HP T200 Inkjet Web Press that makes longer-run variable data printing affordable. The outcomes of the event and facility tour were:
- 653 clients and prospects were invited to the event
- 177 people responded (31% response rate)
- 125 attended the extravaganza
- 2% email open rate (112 opens)
Cause Marketing Campaign for Harvesters (2012 Gold AMBIT & Biggest Bang for the Buck)
Mail Print also earned a gold AMBIT for it fundraising effort for Harvesters called the Set and Extra Plate Holiday Campaign.Rather than just sending a holiday card to clients, Mail Print tithed its time and talents to raise extra money for the shrinking Harvesters food pantry during the holidays.
By creating a mailing with a soft solicitation to donate, Mail Print ultimately generated $63,000 in donations for Harvesters. The initial mailing led clients to a personalized URL (PURL) that had a direct link to submit a donation as small as $10 that would be matched.
Social share buttons were heavily promoted that increased shares and donations.
The campaign earned a 10:1 return on investment and generated $63,000 in donations as part of the nonprofit cause marketing effort.
“Our customers are the ones to thank. If it wasn’t for their trust in our efforts we would never have had the opportunity to earn them these results. It just proves that a well thought out effort, with great partners reaps great rewards,” says Mail Print CEO Gina Danner.