On October 25th, we held a Lunch and Learn seminar in our offices entitled Maximizing Your Multi-Channel Marketing Experience, presented by NextPage CEO, Gina Danner.
In the seminar Danner discussed what it takes to put together an effective multi-channel campaign, including choosing the right channels and making sure they integrate together properly to achieve optimum results. One challenge that marketers have today, according to Danner, is not just getting prospects started on the customer journey, but make sure they don’t leave.
“The problem that we see in all our marketing efforts is that we see people start out at the beginning (of the customer journey) and then leak out”, says Danner. “And the hope is that we get better qualified people in the beginning, and that they stay in for the entire journey. Multi-channel marketing allows you to do that along the way, by taking the right tactic at the right time to increase the engagement rate.”
To view the entire seminar, click here, or for more information on multi-channel marketing, click here.