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May 4, 2020

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5 steps to reopening your business

Empty office buildings. Working from home. Constantly checking the news. Our lives are consumed with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. But what happens after? Businesses will eventually reopen and people will go back to work. Now is the time to prepare for your business to start back up. The actions that you take today will impact your business’s future. Take a look at these five steps from Forbes for preparing to reopen your business:

1. Strategize now
You should have a core team of leaders to build a plan out of the crisis. Meet virtually to discuss strategy going forward so that when you have the green-light to reopen, you’re ready. Create guidelines and practices for the new reality that will follow. Make sure each leader is on the same page so that they can inform their teams. Use this time for tasks that can be completed remotely.

2. Connect emotionally
Everyone is affected by this pandemic. Remember that when you communicate with customers and employees. Be empathetic and compassionate. Character shines in times of crisis and how you treat others will be remembered far more than your products.

3. Be rational
In a composed manner, lay out the facts. How long the business will be shut down. How this will impact the business. What cuts will be made. Be authoritative but stay calm and polite. Do not let your opinions or perspective color your words or actions. Your candor will bring much needed clarity in this uncertain time.

4. Slowly reopen
Businesses should stay closed to employees and customers until it is safe to reopen. When that day comes, health-cleared employees can prepare the location for return. Slowly bring back workers and start on the necessary tasks to reopen. See how things work, and then fully reopen. The post-COVID-19 world will look different, so be prepared for change.

5. Continually inspire
We are in the middle of a crisis. While negativity is expected in hard times, it is counterproductive. Paint an optimistic view of the future and give practical steps on how to get there. Help others see that there is a future and that they can be a part of the solution. Instill confidence in others and watch it spread.

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