IPhone Update Scans QR Codes Without An App
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May 8, 2018

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QR codes are one of the many great ways print and digital tactics are combined. They direct consumers to digital content instantly without needing to memorize a web address. For years, smartphone users have had to download the official QR code app to scan them. Sometimes it takes several attempts to work because you have to position the code within the camera’s frame and get the picture in focus so it can scan like a barcode. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way anymore.

IPhone Update Scans QR Codes Without An App

How Do I Scan QR Codes on IPhone?

The latest iOS update on the iPhone and iPad allows users to scan QR codes using only the camera, no app required. Simply open the phone’s camera and point it at the QR code. You don’t even have to take a picture, just look at it. It will then prompt you to open the connected webpage. That’s it!

Direct Mail QR Codes

QR codes become more relevant and important every year. Using them with direct mail connects your consumers to a personalized URL (PURL) which also gives you a new way to measure your response rate. This camera update may resurrect the value of direct mail QR codes now that they’re faster and easier to scan.

To learn about how you can incorporate QR codes and PURLs into your direct mail, download our free eBook, An Introduction to Multi-Channel Marketing.

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