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March 6, 2014

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Multi-channel marketing can mean a lot of different things. As the name implies, the marketer employs multiple channels to get the message out to their audience. But with so many marketing channels available today, how many should you use? Below is a success story that involves 3 of the standard channels, phone, email and direct mail.

In “SNAP Selling,” author Jill Konrath explains that “To get your customer to grant you access, it’s imperative that you convey all your information in a series of 20- to 30-second ‘touches’ (via phone, email, and direct mail).”

Inspired by this sentiment, Nosco, a health care packaging and solutions provider based in Gurnee, Ill., decided to experiment with the concept of conveying the same messaging in different ways to keep it top of prospects’ minds. Nosco has tested many types of marketing campaigns and found the most success from a combination of efforts that utilize different mediums. Depending on the featured product or service, the order of the channels may vary, but they all incorporate email, direct mail, and a call or voicemail.

The company also discovered it is not the size of the campaign that matters, but the consistent messaging and laser focus on the right audience. This requires upfront research and an alignment with your sales team to determine the best possible targets.

Ultimately, it is not about one channel working better than another—it is the combination of all channels with consistent messaging. With each campaign, you should consider prospects’ personas, region and, if possible, their needs. Although email, direct mail and voice mail are standard (and easy) ways of communication, don’t be afraid to learn and try new technologies to get your message out as one of your campaign touch points—even if simply to test.

Plan, communicate, test, measure and repeat, integrating both online and offline marketing efforts to determine what works best in combination and in what order for your product or service. Nosco has found a formula that has worked best for it by doing just that. The company has also found that when its communications are personalized, the results are better.

Reaching out in all different manners of communication will give you a greater chance to get your message to the people who may need your product or service. There is something to be said about a series of multiple touches with one meaningful message.

Heather Hill works in Marketing and Communications at Nosco.


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