3 Ways to use Direct Mail Automation to Increase ROI
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January 13, 2022

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Direct mail has consistently been one of the most successful marketing channels for businesses and organizations for decades, but with the somewhat recent development of automation tools that can be used in combination with direct mail we’re seeing an unprecedented level of success and return on marketing investment.

We narrowed down to the 3 most significant ways that direct mail automation is increasing ROI and are sharing that with you here.

Get a Higher Response Rate with Automated Direct Mail

As marketers, we look for every advantage we can get when it comes to getting better results.

When combining digital and offline direct mail efforts in your marketing strategy you are gaining a level of insight and accuracy in your execution not achievable without them working together.

One of the simplest ways of generating a higher response is to target specific contacts in your database with direct mail that speaks directly to the actions they’ve taken in near time, product or services they expressed interest in. 

Imagine if a customer visits a product page on your website, that visit pings back to your CRM which triggers a direct mail piece to go out to that customer promoting the product they looked at on the site. This type of automation will deliver a level of responsiveness that buyers may not have experienced before.

Increase Engagement Using Direct Mail Automation

Direct mail automation requires some type of behavior or trigger to take place in order for an automated event to occur. So, the first step in getting direct mail automation to work is to get someone to take a specific action. An example of an action that is easy to take and easy to track for use in automation are things like QR codes, email and website tracking. When an action is tracked it can be attributed to a contact in your database. At that point you can automate direct mail to go out to that contact.

One of the easiest ways to increase engagement in your direct mail automation programs is to utilize inclusions that are more likely to generate an engagement. An example of this would be setting up a workflow to send an email with a coupon for a free coffee after signing up for the coffee shop loyalty program. Soon after following up with a personalized direct mail piece thanking the customer for signing and recommending menu items the customer may like to try. This type of logic can be applied at any stage of your sales process to increase the amount of engagement.

Prioritize Market Segmentation in Automated Direct Mail Campaigns

This is one of the most obvious, but not always the easiest ways of increasing the ROI of your direct mail campaigns. Employing segmentation to your communication delivers a more relevant and personalized experience to your customers and prospects. Going back to our coffee shop example, you may want to segment customers based on certain products they order. 

Using the example above, if a customer who is signed up with the loyalty program orders a pumpkin spice latte, this purchase can trigger a direct mail campaign that offers other fall flavored drinks vs a customer ordering a scone that would trigger a direct mail campaign with offers for tasty treats. Direct mail automation will allow you to utilize that segmentation in your workflow logic to make decisions on who gets what and when they get it so you can generate the highest return on your efforts.

There are many creative ways to automate your direct mail effectively and personalize your communication to increase the ROI of your efforts and while we shared 3 here, even if you only implemented these tips, it’s guaranteed you will see a lift in your engagement, results and your ROI.

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