Industries across the board have felt the pinch of fluctuating supply costs, and the print industry is no exception. With paper prices on an upward trajectory, print buyers and marketers are facing new challenges that could significantly affect their strategies and...
The collaboration between marketing agencies and print companies plays a critical role in creating a smooth and long lasting operation. Ensuring a smooth and successful partnership requires marketing agencies to ask the right questions before embarking on projects....
The paper stock that is chosen for printing marketing materials and/or magazines can have an impact on how they are received by the public. Paper thickness gives the printed item a professional look and helps it last longer. Paper weight thickness actually involves...
In the past few years, direct mail trends have continued to be one of the most important ways to reach the public. Overall, direct mail remains a critical channel for reaching consumers online and in the mailbox. It seems like every year brings new direct mail...
One of the hottest topics in the world of marketing is the impact on the growing number of women in the industry. One of the reasons it is such a popular topic is that it has been shown that marketing initiatives led by women, as well as their agencies and...
When you think about the products you are selling, you likely think about the quality of the product. When you think about designing a marketing message such as a billboard, you probably think about the text and graphics included in the final product. One factor you...