Successful marketing programs require many small tasks being performed correctly every day. Marketing automation builds your communication platform by creating a constant, regular communication channel that can be accessed by your members. This ongoing communication...
When someone says the word “growth” to you, do you picture a certain color such as green (for monetary growth)? If so, you are not the only one as “growth” is one of the most common words associated with the color green. Colors have the power of suggestion and that...
It’s sometimes hard to think about how much American business has changed since the advent of COVID-19. Think about products and services such as reusable menus and public touch screens that are no longer in high demand. On the other hand, there are some success...
It’s sometimes hard to think about how much American business has changed since the advent of COVID-19. Think about products and services such as reusable menus and public touch screens that are no longer in high demand. On the other hand, there are some success...
Healthcare direct mail is still a popular direct mail marketing option. Healthcare marketing experts are turning to technology for a number of benefits related to sending direct mailers. These direct mail pieces allow marketers to take advantage of the scale, speed,...
The use of shape-cut envelopes continues to grow in popularity as companies enjoy having the choice of custom envelopes that can help them stand out from the competition. The design and creation of unique direct mail envelopes is essential to increasing response...