Many companies are figuring out that to gain a competitive advantage these days, harnessing the Big Data they have accumulated and making it accessible to the right people with the right strategy is key. “In the future, the real value of an organization will not...
There are a lot of theories about what makes a direct mail piece stand out from the crowd – the copy, the offer, the images, the bold colors or the texture of the paper. Each argument has its merits. The one thing marketers can agree on, however, is what will...
A successfully executed direct mail campaign can boost your brand’s awareness, authority, and most importantly, your bottom line. The design and execution of your direct mail campaign can be a challenging and stressful venture. By creating and implementing these...
At NextPage, we love data, and we think Big Data rocks. For a lot of our customer sometimes the size of those rocks can seem a little crushing. The amount of data we are collecting these days can be overwhelming. In Part 1 of this series, we discussed creating...
With technology moving so fast these days, it is hard to imagine that consumers still flip through catalogs. Well, you better believe it. With the new IKEA opening in Kansas City, it has grabbed ears and eyes nation-wide, and everyone couldn’t wait for their catalog...