Are you thinking of implementing a multi-channel marketing program but you just aren’t sure if the potential payoff is worth the effort? While many marketers recognize that a multi-channel approach is important, there’s still quite a few that...
Many companies are figuring out that to gain a competitive advantage these days, harnessing the Big Data they have accumulated and making it accessible to the right people with the right strategy is key. “In the future, the real value of an organization will not...
There was a time not too long ago when you only needed a few outlets to be able to reach the consumer; a television spot, an ad in the daily newspaper, perhaps a billboard. But in today’s digital and interconnected era there are many ways to grab the attention of...
For those not familiar with inbound marketing, basically you are creating digital content, such as blogs, ebooks and social media, that speaks specifically to the audience or “personas” that you want to reach. This content answers questions, or provides solutions to...
Have you ever watched a cruise ship come into dock? If you have, maybe you noticed those huge ropes that the crew uses to tie down the vessel. These bowlines are as thick as your arm, and they’re pretty heavy. There’s a big potential problem when you’re dealing with...