Informational brochures give patients, as well as healthcare users and their families, valuable insights about the care that is being offered. Believe it or not, brochures are still as effective as they were 10 years ago whether it’s used in a lobby or mailed to... by Gina Danner | Mar 3, 2022 | Blog, CONTENT MARKETING, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, PRINT
In a recent study, it was found that 71% of people who look at large printing not only notice the advertisement but make a mental note of what’s being advertised. In fact, 50% of those who see large print, bring it up in conversation later. For example, a billboard... by Admin | Feb 24, 2022 | Blog, CONTENT MARKETING, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, PRINT
Is your non profit looking to increase the number of or size of donations? If you’re like every other non profit then the answer is a resounding yes and we completely understand. And if you’re like most non profits you’re looking for recommendations on how to make... by Gina Danner | Feb 10, 2022 | Blog, CONTENT MARKETING, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, PRINT
Most print buyers (whether from the purchasing or marketing departments) are concerned about the impact of inflation on their printing budget. With that singular thought, have you ever thought about printing costs as compared to the rate of inflation over time? Most... by Gina Danner | Jan 27, 2022 | Blog, CONTENT MARKETING, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, PRINT
Marketing managers at banks have a lot of responsibility when it comes to the creation, distribution, standardization and organization of marketing assets, bank collateral and online marketing. The more locations and product lines a bank has the more complex it can... by Gina Danner | Jan 20, 2022 | Blog, CONTENT MARKETING, CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, PRINT
It’s no secret that people love getting things. They love them even more when those “things” are unique or exclusive. This is why branded promotional products are so powerful. There are so many options when it comes to these types of products that many businesses and...