We provide three creative ways to improve bank visit satisfaction and customer retention by utilizing print marketing materials to help effectively address niche problems, working with a bank printing partner who can quickly offer complete kit solutions under one...
Are you constantly forwarding sales sheets to staff because a sales rep can’t find what he saw one time about your biggest product? Do you regularly see old marketing literature in an account manager’s office? These inefficient processes (and poor brand...
As it continues to diversify its products and services, the commercial print industry sees increased demand for expanded products, including large or wide format printing and large-scale printing. More affordable than alternate options, large/wide format printing, and...
With most Americans spending much of 2020 – and 2021 at home due to COVID-19 and the resulting pandemic, getting the mail became more exciting than ever before. Many companies took advantage of this captive audience, and thus direct mail marketing increased by...
According to the 2018 Personalization Pulse Check, “91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations.” This impressive statistic proves that personalization goes a long way towards...
It’s passé to say that over the last 16 months we have seen everything about business change including paper prices and availability. Having been in the printing industry for over 30 years, I can say that we have never seen a market for raw materials (think paper) as...