When your brand is more about the cause than the money During the 2011 Thanksgiving shopping season, outdoor gear and apparel designer Patagonia ran an ad that turned more than a few heads. In big, bold letters, the ad read, “Don’t buy this jacket.”...
A brand is the face of a company or a business. The logos, fonts, and colors used are what people will associate with your brand. Brand consistency is crucial and it needs to be distinct and consistent, meaning all things associated with it should share similar...
The NextPage team continues to grow with the additions of Lori Wiesner and Cheryl Myers. Lori Wiesner Lori was destined to work in the print industry. After attending a Graphic Arts program in high school, and graduating from the University of Central Missouri with a...
The NextPage team continues to expand with the addition of Senior Account Executive, Gary Munroe. After finishing college, Gary began a career in customer service, first as a transfer agent for a large financial institution and then at a large insurance firm. In the...
Information Security is a top priority at NextPage Information security is a hot topic of conversation in today’s world. The rise of technology and value of consumer data can lead to some interesting questions about consumer privacy and security. Here at NextPage, we...
In their best-selling book, “Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant” and “Blue Ocean Shift,” world-renowned professors Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne argued that cutthroat competition results in nothing but a...