Have you ever received a generic piece of mail that made you feel like one of the masses? It might say something like “Dear Homeowner” or “Our Neighbors At”. On the other hand, have you received mail that included your name and an offer related to something you are...
A successfully executed direct mail campaign can boost your brand’s awareness, authority, and most importantly, your bottom line. The design and execution of your direct mail campaign can be a challenging and stressful venture. By creating and implementing these...
I recently read a case study on one Holland retail giant with 84 million web visits a year from 1.5 million customers, they did what some might deem impossible. Wehkamp.nl began having one-on-one conversations with all 1.5 million customers. By doing so the mega...
At NextPage, we love data, and we think Big Data rocks. For a lot of our customer sometimes the size of those rocks can seem a little crushing. The amount of data we are collecting these days can be overwhelming. In Part 1 of this series, we discussed creating...
In this digital world, it’s hard to ignore the increase in spending on direct mail among automobile dealers. Among the savviest advertisers around, car dealers have found the least crowded inbox is the mailbox. Check out our marketing minute. If you would like to...